Yesterday, I read the Foreword and Introduction to Lisa Nichol's "Abundance Now: Amplify Your Life & Achieve Prosperity Today" for the Authorpreneur Network Facebook group Book Club. I received the following insights from four of Lisa's statements and experiences that resonated with me.
![]() Day 2 of my journey to manifesting more money focuses on shifting old patterns of thinking to inspired action through inspiration and intention. In order to dismantle and release negative beliefs and abundance blocks, we have to take the time to identify what they are and how or when they originated. Today's post includes the stories I told myself about money, as revealed through prayer and meditation; and my dream life manifesto of inspiration and intention. ![]() Today is day 1 of a FREE 5 day challenge to manifest more money, created by Master Energy Healer & Coach Maureen Saladino. The expectation is to learn 5 Simple Steps to attract more Abundance in my life. Since I am also participating in a fitness challenge, a blog writing challenge, and a list building giveaway contest, I decided to combine this money challenge with the 30-day blog/writing challenge by turning my responses into blog posts. My responses to day 1 of my manifesting more money journey are expressed below… Amazing transformative shift happened when I did this…
I said YES to a 5-month challenge to become financially Fit, internally Fine and physically Fab! I said it reluctantly and fearfully, but I said it because I knew that change was a must for me to LIVE my best full and abundant life now. Plus, I didn’t know what or how long it would take for me to shift and I was seriously concerned about the results of continued inactivity. At 5’ 1” and 204.4 lbs slowly but consistently rising, I could not afford to ignore the tug in my spirit when I heard the introduction video inviting me to join Lisa Nichols and Matt Gil for the Fit Fine and Fab Challenge. ![]() Several years ago, I learned that overwhelm meant “trying to convince yourself that you can do something that you don’t really believe you can do.” That definition and the power and practice of taking a breath have helped me gain a new perspective in each situation that feelings of overwhelm threaten my peace and actionable intentions. So tonight, in the midst of feeling overwhelmed, I gained clear direction with a breath and am writing this post. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? - Romans 8:35 ![]() I believe that many times when we ask a question, we already know the answer but are looking for confirmation, validation or permission. I believe this because revelation, wisdom and instruction are readily available within us through the power of the Holy Spirit. And when it comes to the word of God and His relationship with us and love for us, there is proof positive from Genesis to Revelation that nothing and no one can separate us from the love of Christ. That knowledge is confirmed in verse 37, which tells us that we are empowered to conquer any and everything through Christ’s love. Read more... #myguestblogpost #defyingshadows #fearless365 ![]() My Phoenix Moves came on the heels of my illness related catalyst moment. Read along as I paint the picture of the ashes that I rose out of with my phoenix moves. It was December 2013, the first day of my six week assignment to train Best Buy employees at two different stores. However, just before the assignment started, I experienced the flare up of a former recurring bronchial asthmatic condition that used to put me out on disability for two to three months at a time. It manifested as a lingering non-stop hacking cough that ripped through my throat and chest. The first time I experienced it was in 1990 and the last time had been in 2009, including two to three episodes in between the years. Now, four years had passed since I’d gotten it under control by addressing the emotional related causes (more about that later). ![]()
How to overcome fear and walk in faith can be attained by practicing the following four actions steps:
![]() “Enter to Worship, Leave to Serve” is the motto of my church, Apostolic Temple of Jesus Christ (ATJC), and they have truly been a ministry of ‘God’s Love in Action’ to me. When I talk about, think of or feel their many expressions of love towards me, I sometimes weep with overwhelming heartfelt gratitude for the people of this love-inspired ministry. I joined ATJC after moving back to Queens when I could no longer afford my Bronx apartment. It had been a year and a half since I stepped out on faith and resigned from my job in 2010 to pursue ministry full-time. I depleted my 401K and faced eviction before I had the know how, drive, courage or confidence to monetize my gifts and abilities and create a sustainable ministry. I was always more comfortable working behind the scenes to bless others through my time and talents. I always felt that gifts of the heart were more valuable and, or maybe because, I never had much money or material assets. ![]() Perseverance is defined as keeping at something in spite of discouragement, difficulties, or opposition. Persevering through hardship for any length of time is easier said than done and requires discipline and assistance to do so in a positive manner. Below are four basic elements to help you positively persevere: |
AuthorJo Anne Meekins is the founder of Inspired 4 U Ministries and Inspired 4 U Publications; and an author, publisher, coach and speaker. Categories
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January 2025